© Marc de Ferrière le Vayer


"The Potato - From the Renaissance to the 21st Century, History, Society, Economy, Culture"

The Meeting will begin on Tuesday, November 2008, the 18.

Tuesday, November, 18 :

  • 2 PM- 2.30 PM: Welcome
  • 2.30 PM - 3 PM: Opening
  • 3 PM - 6 PM: First Session: Potato and litterature
  • 8.30 PM: Public Conference, A Muratori-Philip

Wednesday, November, 19 :

  • 9.30 AM - 12.30 AM: Second Session: Potato as an historical object
  • 2.30 PM - 5.30 PM: Third Session: Potato and cultural identity
  • 8 PM : Diner prepared by Lycée Hôtelier de Blois, Only with Invitation

Thursday, November, 20:

  • 9.30 AM- 12.30 AM: Fourth Session: Practices
  • 2 PM - 4 PM: Fifth Session: Receipe Books
  • 4 PM - 5 PM: Conclusions

A more detailed programm could be download there.